Yup, it’s that time of year again–holiday time. But it’s also recession time, and businesses are spending less–and an easy place to cut costs is to reduce the costs of company events. One of the casualties of the recession has been the traditional company holiday party–but sharing is helping the tradition make a comeback. According to the New York Times, smaller companies can present parties on a budget by sharing the costs of venue and food with other companies. For example, a Philadelphia catering company offers Snow Balls, described as “all-inclusive, shared corporate holiday parties,” as the solution to the difficulties of entertaining during the recession. A New Jersey hotel is offering similar options. The benefits extend beyond giving the employees an event to go to–organizers point out that the companies and their employees have the opportunity to network with the other businesses sharing the venue. Certainly, connecting with others is one of our favorite benefits of sharing, at holiday time and throughout the year.